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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."


            Nelson Mandela

LJP Educational Consulting, LLC was established in 2015 after its founder witnessed an increased need for educational support, parental engagement, and the awareness of intersectionality between academic achievement and societal antecedents. Lorenza Pharrams, Ed.D. is a highly sought-after altruistic educational consultant who possesses compassion for all students but has a specific calling to work with at-risk populations. His humble upbringing and passion for equality in teaching and learning have afforded him the opportunity to transition schools from merely existing to thriving. His methods have often been considered unorthodox, yet effective.  He personifies the educational triad of theory, research, and practice. 


Dr. Pharrams' effective leadership strategies have catapulted classroom teachers to assistant principals, principals, and school district directors. His viewpoint on the importance of relevance, rigor, and relationships has transformed classroom dynamics and created an environment for systemic growth, district-wide. Principals and superintendents highly regard his ability to incite thought-provoking change and motivate faculty and students alike. Dr. Pharrams presents each workshop by intertwining his personal experiences with practical strategies and theory.


​Dr. Pharrams is considered an expert in the field of at-risk and has dedicated 25 years of his career to working in some of the most challenging environments educators encounter. He is an advocate and proficient trainer in Restorative Practices. Additionally, he has conducted extensive research in the areas of student discipline and trauma. Throughout his journey in the field of education, he served students in the state of Alabama in various capacities to include, but not limited to; teacher, assistant principal, principal (16 years), principal mentor, and district director of At-Risk Students, Attendance, Virtual Learning, and Alternative Learning Programs.


Dr. Pharrams is the author of the book entitled "Nobody Told Them They Were Somebody: A Guide to Helping At-risk Students." He has received a myriad of accolades during his 25 years of service to students and educators. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, a Master of Science Degree in Education with certification in Educational Leadership, an Educational Specialist Degree in Leadership, and a Doctorate in Education Leadership Policy and Law. He has been influential on various district committees to ensure student success, school compliance, effective classroom management, teacher mentor/mentee development, and curriculum enhancement. As the founder and CEO of LJP Educational Consultants, Dr. Pharrams established the company to ensure school districts throughout the United States receive vital resources and information that will serve as the catalyst to bridge the gap between numerous disparities and promote quality education for all students.

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Tel: (334) 373-1980

Address: P.O. Box 231466

Montgomery, AL  36123


Hours of Operation:


Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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